Lost Chord Dementia Charity

Lost Chord Dementia Charity

Lost Chord Dementia Charity

“Andy has worked extensively for Lost Chord Dementia Charity since its inception almost 20 years ago and has been an enormous help in marketing the charity… I am sure it is no coinicidence that we are still in operation when other charities have gone to the wall. Kingdomedia’s help and support in our survival has been invaluable” – Helena Muller, Founder of Lost Chord Charity.

Lost Chord Dementia Charity website by Kingdomedia

Service: Kingdom Creative Media UK provides a complete design, build, updating and website maintenance service. Plus training to enable staff to make some updates. As the site has evolved, over many years, Kingdomedia were commissioned to add an online shop and also manage Lost Chord’s News Blog.

Brief: Lost Chord’s old website was looking very out of date and it was also a challenge to get it updated. It was recognised that a new dynamic looking site was needed to engage with it’s audience and provide information which promoted Lost chord’s events and service provision, whilst raising the profile of the charity. Social Media was also introduced to encourage interaction with local and national communities, and to help bolster public relations.

We have been working for Lost Chord since their inception, for around 20 years, on a variety of media from promotional print to digital marketing.

Anglo Building Services Ltd

Anglo Building Services Ltd

Anglo Building Services Ltd

Responsive website by Kingdom Creative Media UK for Anglo Building Services

Service: Responsive website by Kingdom Creative Media UK. Kingdomedia provides a complete design, build and updating / maintenance of an evolving website, including a news blog.

Brief: To design and build a Responsive Website, which works on all devices, reflecting the high standard of services provided by Anglo Building Services Ltd. The creation and upkeep of a company news blog was integral to this project in order to ensure that the website remains attractive to Googles search engine. Regular fresh content scores very high with Google!

Maltby (Rother Valley) Lions Club

Maltby (Rother Valley) Lions Club

Maltby (Rother Valley) Lions Club

Maltby (Rother Valley) Lions Club news blog by Kingdomedia

Service: Kingdom Creative Media UK provides a complete design, build and updating / maintenance of an evolving web site. A news and Events blog was also added as part of a refresh phase. Kingdomedia have the privilege of creating regular mini blogs for Maltby (Rother Valley) Lions Club.

Brief: Maltby (Rother Valley) Lions Club had an amateur built website which was not doing them any favours. The members recognised that their site needed to step up a level in order to engage with it’s audience, whilst raising the profile of the Club. Social Media was also introduced to encourage interaction with the local community and to help bolster public relations.